Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Interesting Teaching Topics

Inspirational Video for kids pursuing college

Teaching Philosophy

There are many ways in which children can learn. The different styles to me do not dictate their aptitude. The child has to have an interest in what they are learning, if not then they will not succeed. Also, the way that you treat the children makes a big difference. If you let the children manipulate you to get their way then you will get nothing done. So you have to be stern but gentle. Stern in the sense that they need to learn but gentle to the approach that you take to achieve that. Too much of each will either label you a dictator or a pushover. Children are very impressionable so they can pick up what any of the people around them do so you have to be a positive role model in their life at all times. If I were to learn more about anything, it would be how to more properly manage a classroom and be most efficient with the time that you have in there. My education goals are to teach history in a high school setting. But as a teacher my education goals are to change kids perception on history. Most find it a drab, boring class in which they are just trying to get through. I want them to learn to love and respect it. Learn from the mistakes of the people before us in an approach to provide a better future.

Discussion 4

Chapter 9 #2

I believe that in certain situations it is necessary for there to be limitations on what people access on the internet. This is a difficult thing to say because I believe that it is absolutely necessary for us to maintain our rights as Americans. But, in instances such as those in public schools in which children have access to computers regularly, it is necessary to keep them shielded from knowledge they are not ready to see. So, the limitations that administrators currently set on those computers that children can access is good enough. Also, in instances of terrorism we should be able to monitor people. If the well-being of people is endangered, then I believe that constitutional rights can be overlooked.